pantai Therapy Centre
Call 019-328 5928
Therapy for depression anxiety chronic pain
My Journey
Founding Director, LCCH Pantai Therapy Centre, Phileo Damansara 1, PJ
Senior Lecturer, London College of Clinical Hypnosis Singapore & Malaysia since 2013
Visiting Research Consultant Hypnotherapist, Chronic Pain Research Clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (2014-2015)
Former Treasurer of Malaysian Society of Clinical Hypnosis (2014-16)
Scientific Chairman, Inaugural Malaysian Conference on Clinical Hypnotherapy 2015
Certified Mindfulness Teacher for MiSP UK
Affiliate Member of Academy of Family Physician Malaysia since 2014
Featured at Guang Ming Daily May 27, 2016 on Health Matters (click here)
【醫展身手】捨藥廠高職厚薪 高德賢學催眠從心出發 [点击这里]
Featured at Focus Week Malaysia Jan 2016 on That's LIfe (click here)

Personal Close Up: Featuring at Focus Week Malaysia, January 2016 (click here) and Guang Ming Daily May 27, 2016 (click here)
I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist & Mindfulness Psychotherapist specializing in working with patients with chronic illness, persistent physical symptoms and pain (e.g. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fatigue, Unexplained physical symptoms), symptoms of depression, insomnia & sleeping problems, anxiety & stress, impulsive control issues (e.g. OCD, addictions) and trauma healing and recovery.
Degrees and Specialty
I have a BSc (Hons) in LIfe Science and a Master degree from University of South Australia.
I have completed the Advance Practitioner's Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy from London College of Clinical Hypnosis in 2012..
I am also the visiting Clinical Hypnotherapist at the Chronic Pain Research Clinic, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, University Malaya Medical Centre involved in 2 clinical studies from 2014-2015 and the Senior Lecturer for London College of Clinical Hypnosis in Malaysia & Singapore since 2013. Apart from clinical hypnotherapy, I am also trained in the 3rd wave psychotherapy, e.g. Mindfulness based interventions, Somatic Experiencing, Acceptance Commitment Therapy for prevention of relapse of depression, addictions, trauma healing since 2010.
I am also the Founder of Asia Mindfulness, with the aims of introducing modern, pragmatic and secular mindfulness practice to this region. I am a Mindfulness Teacher-in-training from Center for Mindfulness, University of Massachusetts Medical School, US and UK Breathworks and currently is undergoing the accreditation as a qualified Mindfulness Teacher as part of the requirement under the UK Mindfulness-Based Interventions Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI-TAC).
Teaching of mindfulness training courses that I have completed
Teaching of ‘Mindfulness – Finding Peace in the Frantic World’, Oxford Mindfulness Centre, University of Oxford, UK.
Teaching of ‘Mindfulness for Health and Stress’, UK Breathworks.
Teaching of ‘Mindfulness based Stress Reduction’, The Center of Mindfulness, University of Massachusettes, US.
Certified teacher of ‘Mindfulness .b’, Mindfulness in Schools Project, UK.
I speak English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Bahasa Malaysia fluently.
Member of British Society of Clinical Hypnosis
Member of Malaysian Society of Clinical Hypnosis
Affiliate member of Academy of Family Physicians Malaysia.
Availability and TeleConsultation
To better meet my clients’ needs, I work with a flexible timetable and occasionally during weekends.
I can arrange online sessions with clients I have in treatment, depending on specific cases and needs.
Call M: 019-328 5928 or T: 03-22 800 804.