Conquering Mountains and Age: How The Magnificent Eleven Age 55 to 68 Proved That Life’s Adventures Have No Expiration Date
September 25, 2024 In August 2024, a remarkable group of eleven hikers—aged between 55 and 68—embarked on a journey that would inspire...
Coco Lee’s legacy - Positivity, Mindfulness & Mental Health
Written by: Ko Teik Yen Summary: Despite challenges, Coco achieved international success and became a role model for many. Tragically,...
作者:高德賢 概括: 儘管面臨挑戰,李玟還是取得了國際成功,並成為許多人的榜樣。 不幸的是,她的去世引發了關於心理健康以及自我接納和包容的重要性的討論。 雖然積極的思考賦予了她追求的力量,但正念可以提供內心的平靜和自我接納。當我們尊重她的傳承,同時提高人們對心理健康的認識。...

Mindful living for COVID-19 lockdown
A mindful living during COVID-19 lockdown It is coming into Day 4 of the Movement Control Order in Malaysia. To most working Malaysian,...

Letter to Parents - Teenage Suicide, Impulsivity and Depression
The teacher called me over the phone and said in a calm voice, “Your son attempted suicide in school and is now on the way to the...

Depression – more than what you thought!
In the past, the story behind depression was the brain lack or imbalance of a neurotransmitter called serotonin; being a therapist now &...